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Project title: Mobility studies in Port-au-Prince
Sector: /Regional & Urban Planning /Infrastructure engineering
Country: Haiti - 2022 - 2023
Client: Delegation of the European Union in Haiti
Value: EUR 598.505
Project title: Study for the improvement of rainwater management and protection of gullies in the cities of Port-au-Prince, Les Cayes and Jérémie
Sector: /Infrastructure engineering /Environment and Water resources
Country: Haiti - 2021-2023
Client: Delegation of the European Union in Haiti
Value: EUR 739,680
Project title: Procurement ex-post review of the Bolivia MIAGUA V Water and Sanitation project
Sector: /Infrastructure engineering /Environment and Water resources
Country: Bolivia - 2022
Client: European Investment Bank
Value: € 44337.50
Project title: Study for the Implementation of the Archiving Centre and the Computer Network of the Ministry including Training and IT Systems
Sector: /Architecture /Infrastructure engineering
Country: Haiti - 2021-2022
Client: National Authorising Officer for the European Development Funds (EDF)
Value: EUR 77.500
Project title: Support to national institutions responsible for Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Country: Guatemala - 2019-2021
Client: MINECO Guatemala (EU)
Value: € 935 000
Project title: Dissemination and promotion of the Roadmap of the Central American Customs Union (2015-2024), the Trade Facilitation Strategy, with a focus on coordinated border management and competitiveness, including the Agreement on WTO Trade Facilitation
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Communication
Country: Guatemala - 2019-2021
Client: SIECA
Value: € 500.000
Project title: Preliminary design studies for the crossing of the Parc National Historique Citadelle Sans Souci Ramiers, Environmental and Social Impact Study of the St. Raphael / Barrière Battant road section and Heritage and Environmental Impact Study
Sector: /Heritage management /Infrastructure engineering /Environment and Water resources
Country: Haiti - 2019-2021
Client: National Authorising Officer of the European Development Fund in Haiti
Value: € 240.500
Project title: Technical Assitance for the implementation of the EU cooperation strategy in Nicaragua (Technical Assistance Support to Nicaragua (NITA))
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Country: Nicaragua - 2017-2021
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 1.597.152
Project title: Public-Private Alliance on Cultural Heritage
Sector: /Heritage management /Intangible heritage & Cultural Industry
Country: Peru - 2021
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 200.000
Project title: Technical assistance to the Government of Bonaire for the programming of the 11th EDF
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Education and training
Country: Bonaire - 2018-2019
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 64 308
Framework Contract: FWC SIEA - LOT 4: Human Development and Safety Net
Project title: Specialized Consultancy for Structuring, Implementing and Strengthening a Network of Actors for the Development of Nautical and Cultural Tourism in the Bahia Di Todos Os-Santos, within the Framework of National Bahia Prodetur
Sector: /Cultural Tourism
Country: Brazil - 2018-2019
Client: Estado da Bahia, Secretaria de Turismo Inter-American Development Bank
Value: € 564 572
Project title: Identification study on cultural heritage
Sector: /Heritage management
Country: Peru - 2019
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 30 012
Framework Contract: FRAMEWORK CONTRACT SIEA LOT 4: Human Development and Safety Net
Project title: Impact Evaluation of Program to Combat Child Sexual Assault in Guatemala: 2005-2017
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Monitoring and Evaluation
Country: Guatemala - 2018
Client: International Justice Mission
Value: $ 98.000
Project title: Consulting Services for Education and Training
Sector: /Education and training
Country: Central America - 2015-2017
Client: The Secretariat for Economic Integration (SIECA)
Value: € 1.038.327
Project title: Assistance technique de renforcement des capacités des institutions haïtiennes en charge de la mise en œuvre du programme de développement urbain financé par le 11ème FED
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Regional & Urban Planning
Country: Haiti - 2016 - 2017
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 70.430
Framework Contract: Framework Contract: Framework BENEF 2013 - LOT7
Project title: Formative Evaluation of the Strengthening Education Management at the district level (FORTA)
Sector: /Education and training /Monitoring and Evaluation
Country: Honduras - 2017
Client: Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development of Canada (DFATD)
Value: $ 66,590
Project title: Technical Assistance and Support for Road Maintenance Unit / Ministry of Works to improve Road Maintenance Management and Planning in Belize
Sector: /Infrastructure engineering
Country: Belize - 2016
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 200.712
Framework Contract: Framework BENEF 2013 - LOT2 “Transport and Infrastructures”
Project title: Service contract for providing specific and specialized courses to support growth and development female entrepreneurship under the three Regions in the framework of the €mprende Project
Sector: /Education and training
Country: Costa Rica - 2015-2016
Client: Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres - INAMU
Value: € 145.396
Project title: Technical assistance to the Dominican section of the Joint Bilateral Dominico-Haitian Commission
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Country: Dominican Republic - 2015 - 2016
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 287.935
Framework Contract: Framework Beneficiaires 2013 - LOT 7: Human Rights, Civil Society, Governance, Justice And Home Affairs
Project title: Feasibility study of bypass the road Dajabon and Ouanaminthe
Sector: /Infrastructure engineering
Country: Dominican Republic and Haiti - 2015-2016
Client: European Union - Delegation to the Dominican Republic
Value: € 234.319
Framework Contract: Framework BENEF 2013 - LOT2
Project title: Education and Formation Plan of the Technical ICF Staff and Forestry, Protected Areas and Wildlife Sector Institutions
Sector: /Education and training /Environment and Water resources
Country: Honduras - 2014 - 2016
Client: Instituto Nacional de Conservación y Desarrollo Forestal, Áreas Protegidas y Vida Silvestre (ICF)/ Modernización del Sector Forestal (MOSEF)
Value: € 596.650
Project title: Technical Audit for the Construction of a Multiporpouse Center for Security forces
Sector: /Architecture
Country: St. Kitts and Nevis - 2014-2016
Client: EC-EuropeAid
Value: € 49.978
Framework Contract: Framework BENEF 2013 - LOT2
Project title: Lot 1: Services for actions of Horizontal Cooperation and Visibility PROJECT: “Secondary Education and Training for Youth Work” Agreement No. DCI-ALA/2010/021-952EuropeAid/134084/D/SER/AR
Sector: /Education and training
Country: Argentina - 2014-2015
Client: Ministry of Education of Argentina
Value: € 156.330
Project title: Programa de Educación Media y Formación para el Trabajo para Jóvenes: Contratación de servicios de logística de encuentros, intercambio de experiencias, foros y seminarios de capacitaciones. (4 lotes)
Sector: /Education and training
Country: Argentina - 2013-2015
Client: Ministry of Education funded by the European Union
Value: € 723.628
Project title: Community Development Advisor/Technical Assistant
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Country: Jamaica - 2015
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 258.685
Framework Contract: Framework Beneficiaires 2013 - LOT 7: Human Rights, Civil Society, Governance, Justice And Home Affairs
Project title: Final Evaluation of the Bonaire Sanitation and Sewerage Programme
Sector: /Monitoring and Evaluation /Infrastructure engineering /Environment and Water resources
Country: Netherlands Antilles - 2015
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 58.262
Framework Contract: Framework BENEF 2013 - LOT2
Project title: European Union Election Expert Mission – The Plurinational State of Bolivia
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Country: Bolivia - 2014
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 121.787
Framework Contract: Framework Contract Beneficiaires 2013, “LOT 7: Human Rights, Civil Society, Governance, Justice And Home Affairs
Project title: Implementation of the Project “Health Plan of Andean Integration - Andean Health Organization - Hipólito Unanue Convention” (ORAS CONHU)
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Country: Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Chile, Peru and Venezuela - 2013 - 2014
Client: CAF – Development Bank of Latin America
Value: $ 1.461.067
Project title: A mid-term evaluation of Institutional Strengthening Project in Supporting of Victims
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Monitoring and Evaluation
Country: Colombia - 2014
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 58.701
Framework Contract: Framework Contract Beneficiaires 2013, “LOT 7: Human Rights, Civil Society, Governance, Justice And Home Affairs
Project title: Evaluation of the UNFPA Country Programme in Guatemala
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Monitoring and Evaluation
Country: Guatemala - 2014
Client: UNFPA
Value: USD 33,000
Project title: Short Term Technical Assistance for Launch of the EuroJustice Project in Honduras
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Country: Honduras - 2014
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 253.280
Framework Contract: Framework Contract Beneficiaires 2013, “LOT 7: Human Rights, Civil Society, Governance, Justice And Home Affairs
Project title: Final Evaluation of the UN Joint Programme of Peace Building
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Monitoring and Evaluation
Country: Guatemala - 2013
Client: UNDP Guatemala
Value: $ 35.000
Project title: Master Plan Updating 2011-2015 of Cerro Cahui protected biotype and Master Plan Elaboration of San Miguel La Palotada protected biotope – Zotz-, Petén Department
Sector: /Environment and Water resources
Country: Guatemala - 2012-2013
Client: Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources The Government of Guatemala
Value: 157.995 $
Project title: Technical Assistance Services in Border Security, Studies for the OCAM (Central American Commission of Migration Directors of) and definition of a Border Security Plan
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Country: Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama - 2013
Client: General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (SG-SICA)
Value: € 124.400
Project title: Technical Assistance to the Support Programme to the Strengthening of Culture and Art for Social and Economic Development in Haiti (ARCADES)
Sector: /Intangible heritage & Cultural Industry
Country: Haiti - 2011 – 2013
Client: EC-EuropeAid
Value: € 273.000
Project title: Services for ITC Training (Lot 1)
Sector: /Education and training
Country: Argentina - 2012
Client: EC-EuropeAid
Value: € 483.820
Project title: Experts to Support the activities of the Central American Court of Justice CCJ, under the Support Programme for Regional Integration in Central America (PAIRCA II)
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Country: Central America - 2012
Client: CE-EuropeAid
Value: € 284,100
Project title: Technical Assistance Services to support the activities of the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN) under the Support Programme for Regional Integration in Central America (PAIRCA II)
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Country: Central America - 2012
Client: CE-EuropeAid
Value: € 509.100
Project title: Evaluación de Término Medio para el proyecto PPREVENCIÓN SOCIAL DE LA VIOLENCIA CON PARTICIPACIÓN JUVENIL (PROJOVENES II) en El Salvador
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Monitoring and Evaluation
Country: El Salvador - 2012
Client: EC-EuropeAid
Value: €44.804
Project title: Mid-Term Evaluation of the Land Management Project, Phase II
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Monitoring and Evaluation
Country: Guatemala - 2012
Client: Registro de Información Catastral de Guatemala
Value: $ 40,000
Project title: Baseline Elaboration and Monitoring and Evaluation System of the Support mechanism to the indigenous people Oxlajuj Tzi’ikin Phase II
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Country: Guatemala - 2012
Client: SIDA
Value: USD 65,227
Project title: Support in designing a model for projects planning, monitoring and evaluation for the Ministry of Education and Culture
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Education and training
Country: Paraguay - 2012
Client: EC-EuropeAid
Value: € 76.986
Project title: Interim Evaluation, Entra 21 Program. International Youth Foundation
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Education and training /Monitoring and Evaluation
Country: Latin America - 2010 - 2011
Client: Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
Value: 56.000 €
Project title: Information System development for the JUNTOS Programme Management
Sector: /Communication
Country: Peru - 2011
Client: BID
Value: $ 277.904
Project title: Final evaluation of the Suriname NGO Institutional Strengthening (SNIS) Programme
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Monitoring and Evaluation
Country: Suriname - 2011
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 15.700
Framework Contract: FWC BENEF 2009 - LOT 9: Culture, Education, Employment and Social
Project title: External Evaluation of the Program of Alliances with Civil Society – PASOC II (UNDP)
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Monitoring and Evaluation
Country: Guatemala - 2010
Client: UNDP
Value: 36,031 €
Project title: Final Assessment of the Support Program to the PARJ Justice Reform
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Monitoring and Evaluation
Country: Guatemala - 2010
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: 55.548 €
Project title: Professional and Technical Services to identify civil society organizations, especially organizations of women and indigenous young women to participate as partners in the Program
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Country: Guatemala - 2009 - 2010
Client: UNFPA
Value: 25.000 €
Project title: Study for a Non-State Actor programme in Jamaica
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Country: Jamaica - 2010
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: 36.386 €
Framework Contract: FWC BENEF 2009 - LOT 9: Culture, Education, Employment and Social
Project title: Mid – Term Evaluation of the Regional Program “Cities Without Violence Against Women”
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Monitoring and Evaluation
Country: Latin America - 2010
Client: UNIFEM Brazil (Cono Sur)
Value: 61,015 €
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