Culture, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Architecture, Governance, Education and Training, Cultural development, Economic and social development, Communication, Monitoring and evaluation, Urban Plannning, Infrastructure Engineering
credits: DaiWebStudio

Procurement ex-post review of the Bolivia MIAGUA V Water and Sanitation project

Infrastructure engineering
Environment and Water resources

Area: Latin America and the Caribbean
Country: Bolivia
Period: 2022
Client: European Investment Bank
Amount: € 44337.50

The Programme "Más Inversión para el Agua - MIAGUA" arised in 2011 within the framework of the National Irrigation Development Plan, with the aim of contributing to guaranteeing the country's food sovereignty and improving the living conditions of the population. The general objective of the project is supplying drinking water and sewerage services and increasing local resilience to climate change, in order to:

  1. Provide water and sanitation to the whole country’s population,
  2. Ensure poverty reduction,
  3. Reduce environmental pollution,
  4. Improve the living conditions of the population.

The EIB is financing the project MIAGUA V in Bolivia. The project consists of the construction of water and wastewater services in remote communities of the country. EIB provides a USD 63.5M loan toward the approximate USD 130M project cost. MIAGUA V is the fifth phase of Bolivia’s Programme MIAGUA. Communities of between 10 to 150 households are the main beneficiaries of the sub-projects funded by the Bank.

The Promoter of the programme is the Ministry of Environment and Water and is executed by the National Fund for Productive and Social investment, in coordination with and the beneficiary municipal autonomous governments.

The programme, which started in 2019, includes 218 sub-projects. Each of the sub-projects is developed in: i) a work contract, (ii) a consultancy contract for works supervision and (iii) a consultancy contract for socialization of the works (totalling more than 660 contracts). These include low value contracts, which are normally falling in case of works contracts under the national procurement procedures as per EIB Guide to Procurement. To date several sub-projects have been completed and the programme is to be completed by the end of the 2022.

The main objective of this Assignment is to obtain sufficient assurance that the procurement of contracts subject to ex-post review were undertaken by the Promoter in line with the EIB’s Guide to Procurement and other related requirements as per the Finance contract signed by the Bank with the Promoter.


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