The general objective of the project (NITA), of which the present assignment is part, is the following:
The program contributes to the national objective of poverty alleviation in the context of sustainable development, including the achievment of the Millenium Development Goals (MDG), as well as the promotion of democracy, good governance and the respect of human rights and rule of law.
Within this framework, the global objective is to contribute to a more effective and efficient implementation of public policies and of EU cooperation activities, which will ensure that the sectors prioritized by the Country Strategy Paper of the European Union for Nicaragua (CSP 2014-2020) achieve the maximum results, the impact and visibility.
Strengthening of the capacity of ministries, decentralised entities and other institutions associated with the implementation of the CSP, in terms of formulation, implementation an monitoring of public policies, paticularly in relation to the three priority areas:
The technical assistance seeks to promote European cooperation in Nicaragua to achieve maximum results and impact, integrating a gender approach and assuring correct presentation of reports, based on objective and quanitifiable data.
Framework Contract “Culture and Information”