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World Wide / all countries / Heritage management
Project title: Detailed Design and Supervision of Marin Barleti Street and Lumbardhi Cinema in Prizren
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: Kosovo - 2020-2024
Client: European Union Office in Kosovo
Value: € 320.250
Project title: Design and Supervision of Beautification and General Improvement of three Historical, Natural and Cultural objects in the Khatlon Region of Tajikistan
Sector: /Heritage management /Cultural Tourism /Architecture
Country: Tajikistan - 2020-2023
Client: International Development Association (IDA)
Value: $ 525 765
Project title: The Integrated Management Plan for Durrës Archaeological Areas “A” & “B”
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: Albania - 2020-2021
Client: Albanian American Development Foundation
Value: € 127 650
Project title: Development of Concept for the Heritage Hub Regeneration in Areni Village and Adjacent Villages
Sector: /Heritage management /Cultural Tourism /Architecture
Country: Armenia - 2020-2021
Client: Armenian Territorial Development Fund - World Bank
Value: $ 171 627,80
Project title: Preliminary design studies for the crossing of the Parc National Historique Citadelle Sans Souci Ramiers, Environmental and Social Impact Study of the St. Raphael / Barrière Battant road section and Heritage and Environmental Impact Study
Sector: /Heritage management /Infrastructure engineering /Environment and Water resources
Country: Haiti - 2019-2021
Client: National Authorising Officer of the European Development Fund in Haiti
Value: € 240.500
Project title: Public-Private Alliance on Cultural Heritage
Sector: /Heritage management /Intangible heritage & Cultural Industry
Country: Peru - 2021
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 200.000
Project title: Re-thinking the Sudan National Museum exposition in view of modern achievements of museology
Sector: /Heritage management /Cultural Tourism /Architecture
Country: Sudan - 2020-2021
Client: UNESCO
Value: $ 90 000
Project title: Technical Assistance For EU-Turkey Anatolian Archaeology And Cultural Heritage Institute
Sector: /Heritage management
Country: Turkey - 2019-2021
Client: Central Finance & Contracts Unit
Value: € 4 750 500
Project title: Consultancy services for Preparing the Zanzibar Stone Town Conservation and Heritage Management Plan
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: Tanzania - Zanzibar - 2019 - 2020
Client: Ministry of Finance & Planning - Zanzibar - World Bank
Value: $ 716 898
Project title: Mezyad Desert Park – Principal Design Consultant
Sector: /Heritage management /Cultural Tourism /Architecture
Country: United Arab Emirates - 10/2017 - 07/2020
Client: Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority
Value: USD 1.127.300
Project title: Identification study on cultural heritage
Sector: /Heritage management
Country: Peru - 2019
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 30 012
Framework Contract: FRAMEWORK CONTRACT SIEA LOT 4: Human Development and Safety Net
Project title: Ex-post Evaluation of the Pilot Schemes and Preparatory Actions for preserving and restoring cultural heritage in conflict areas
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: Western Balkans - 2019
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 193 290
Framework Contract: FRAMEWORK CONTRACT SIEA LOT 4: Human Development and Safety Net
Project title: Cultural Heritage and Urban Development Project (CHUD) Consultancy Services for Baalbeck and Tyre Archeological Project - 1st Phase
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Heritage management
Country: Lebanon - 2008 - 2018
Client: Republic of Lebanon - Council for Development and Reconstruction
Value: € 1.020.228
Project title: Consultancy Service for Restoration Project of Historic Structures within Educational City (Doha)
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Heritage management
Country: Qatar - 2013 - 2018
Client: Qatar Foundation
Value: 1.610.069 USD
Project title: Master Planning Consultancy for Mezyad Desert Park – Al Ain
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Heritage management /Cultural Tourism /Architecture
Country: United Arab Emirates - 2016 - 2017
Client: Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority
Value: 494.577 USD
Project title: Consulting Services for the Assessment of the Multi-hazard Vulnerability of Priority Cultural Heritage Structures in the Philippines
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Heritage management
Country: Philippines - 2015-2016
Client: The World Bank Group
Value: 399.500 USD
Project title: Conservation Management Plans and alternative design options for Al Ain Souk and Al Ain National Museum
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: United Arab Emirates - 2014 - 2016
Client: Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority
Value: USD 447.156
Project title: Design and Supervision of Lalibela Cultural Landscape and Interpretation
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Heritage management /Cultural Tourism /Architecture
Country: Ethiopia - 2014 - 2015
Client: Ethiopian Sustainable Tourism Development Project – Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Value: $ 308.381
Project title: Master Plans for 3 Sub Districts and a District Center, Ba'adre, Zawita, Bamarne and Shekhan, in Duhok Governorate
Sector: /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management /Architecture /Regional & Urban Planning
Country: Iraq-Kurdistan - 2014 - 2015
Client: Ministry of Municipality and Tourism of the Kurdistan Region
Value: USD 1.350.000
Project title: Consulting Services for the Preparation of a Feasibility Study, Investment Program and Detailed Design for Tafileh
Sector: /Heritage management /Cultural Tourism /Architecture
Country: Jordan - 2013-2014
Client: The Hashemite Kongdom of Jordan, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
Value: 90.130 $
Project title: Design and Supervision of Restoration of Khan el Echle (Saida) and Baalbek Serail (Baalbek) and Technical Assistance to DGU (Directorate General of Urban Planning)
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Heritage management
Country: Lebanon - 2011 – 2014
Client: Republic of Lebanon - Council for Development and Reconstruction
Value: 400.000 €
Project title: Preparation of Bill of Quantities and Technical Specifications for the consolidation of a number of facades at the Erbil Citadel
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: Iraq-Kurdistan - 2013
Client: UNESCO Iraq Office
Value: € 36.565
Project title: Evaluation of Cultural Interest of several churches in Italy
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Heritage management
Country: Italy - 2008-2013
Client: Istituto Figlie di Santa Maria della Divina Provvidenza –Opera Don L. Guanella
Project title: Technical Assistance for the National Heritage Programme in Eritrea
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: Eritrea - 2010 - 2012
Client: EC
Value: € 501.610
Project title: Technical Assistance and Further Detailing and Implementation of the Urban Design Guidelines for the Buffer Area of the Citadel
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: Iraq-Kurdistan - 2012
Client: The Governorate of Erbil
Value: $ 140.000
Project title: Technical Assistance for the Urban Design Guidelines for the Erbil Citadel Buffer Zone
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: Iraq-Kurdistan - 2011 - 2012
Client: UNESCO
Value: 34.500 $
Project title: Studies for the Stabilization of the Erbil Citadel Slope and the Perimeter Facades
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: Iraq-Kurdistan - 2011 - 2012
Client: UNESCO
Value: $ 370.710
Project title: Identification mission and program formulation for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage in Algeria
Sector: /Heritage management
Country: Algeria - 2010 - 2011
Client: EC
Value: € 126.767
Framework Contract: FWC BENEF 2009 - LOT 9: Culture, Education, Employment and Social
Project title: Management of the Buffer Area of the Erbil Citadel
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: Iraq-Kurdistan - 2010 - 2011
Client: UNESCO
Value: $ 193.189
Project title: Establishment of Procedures for the Management of the Erbil
Sector: /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: Iraq-Kurdistan - 2011
Client: UNESCO
Value: $ 208.000
Project title: Consultancy Services for streets rehabilitation and furnishing, landscaping, and buildings surveys in the city core of Ajloun and Jarash bus terminal development project
Sector: /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management /Cultural Tourism /Regional & Urban Planning
Country: Jordan - 2008-2011
Client: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
Value: $ 521.345
Project title: Cultural Heritage and Cultural Tourism Development
Sector: /Heritage management /Cultural Tourism
Country: Lybia - 2010 - 2011
Client: World Bank
Value: $ 232.264
Project title: Zhejiang Urban Environment Project - Technical Assistance - Package E - Heritage Conservation In Urban Upgrading And Social Assessment
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management /Regional & Urban Planning
Country: China - 2008 – 2009
Client: World Bank
Value: $ 806.288
Project title: Support to the Georgia National Museum for the elaboration of a Twinning Project Fiche concerning institutional development
Sector: /Heritage management /Intangible heritage & Cultural Industry
Country: Georgia - 2008 - 2009
Client: EC-EuropeAid
Value: € 71.977
Framework Contract: FWC BENEF LOT 7 - Culture, Governance and Home Affairs
Project title: Supervision of Refurbishment and Restoration of Religious sites in Prizren-Kosovo UNMIK
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Heritage management
Country: Kosovo - 2007-2009
Client: European Agency for Reconstruction
Value: € 231.000
Project title: Consultancy Services for Inventorization and Multi-Hazard and Earthquake Performance Evaluation of the Cultural Heritage Buildings in Istanbul under the Responsibility of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: Turkey - 2007 – 2009
Client: World Bank - Ministry of Culture and Tourism
Value: € 858.750
Project title: Framework Contract “Culture, Governance and Home Affairs”
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Heritage management
Country: Worldwide - 2005 - 2009
Client: EC-EuropeAid
Project title: Consultancy Services for Detailed Engineering Studies - Phase II for Urban Development and Conservation in Tyre
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Heritage management /Architecture
Country: Lebanon - 2006 - 2008
Client: World Bank
Value: € 162.000
Project title: Support to the Gansu Cultural Heritage Infrastructure and Management Project Preparation
Sector: /Heritage management /Cultural Tourism /Architecture
Country: China - 2005-2007
Client: World Bank
Value: $ 92.000
Project title: Restoration and Development of the Huguang Huiguan complex Immediate Measures of Chongqing Cultural Heritage Strategic Master Plan
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: China - 2001-2005
Client: World Bank
Value: $ 560.000
Project title: Support to the state planning organization for the restoration of Ekmekçizade Caravanserai in Edirne, Turkey.
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Heritage management
Country: Turkey - 2004-2005
Client: EC-EuropeAid
Value: € 80.000
Project title: Framework Contract “Culture and Information”
Sector: /Monitoring and Evaluation /Communication /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management /Intangible heritage & Cultural Industry /Cultural Tourism
Country: Worldwide - 2000-2005
Client: EC-EuropeAid
Project title: Study for the strengthening of the Ader-Fès
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: Morocco - 2003 – 2004
Client: World Bank
Value: € 124.000
Project title: Final Evaluation : Cultural Sector Support Programme
Sector: /Monitoring and Evaluation /Heritage management /Intangible heritage & Cultural Industry
Country: Zambia - 2004
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 30.000
Project title: Directorate of Antiquities Institutional Assessment
Sector: /Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development /Monitoring and Evaluation /Heritage management
Country: Lebanon - 2002-2003
Client: World Bank
Value: $ 50.000
Project title: Evaluation of Euromed Heritage I
Sector: /Monitoring and Evaluation /Heritage management /Intangible heritage & Cultural Industry
Country: Mediterranean - 2003
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Value: € 190.000
Project title: Feasibility study for a Conservation Handbook of Historic Cairo
Sector: /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management
Country: Egypt - 2001-2002
Client: UNESCO
Value: $ 30.000
Project title: Ex-post evaluation of the NAMEC Programme
Sector: /Monitoring and Evaluation /Heritage management
Country: Italy, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia - 2002
Client: ICCROM
Value: € 20.000
Project title: Baalbeck Urban Conservation and Design Study
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Conservation of historic cities and centers /Heritage management /Intangible heritage & Cultural Industry /Cultural Tourism
Country: Lebanon - 2002
Client: IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Value: $ 100.000
Project title: Lebanon Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development Project – Baalbeck and Tyre Archaeological Studies
Sector: /Conservation Architecture /Heritage management /Architecture
Country: Lebanon - 2001 - 2002
Client: World Bank
Value: $ 450.000
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