The Sheikh Mohamed Bin Khalifa House is located in the city of Al Ain, the capital of the Eastern Region of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. This city is located in the oasis of Al Ain/Buraimi, which is currently divided between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Oman. This site has had a strategic importance throughout history, as it is the only well-watered location between Oman and the oasis of al Hasa in present day Saudi Arabia. The majority of heritage sites in the emirate of Abu Dhabi are located in and around this city.
Today, the rapid physical development of the country has resulted in numerous projects that have not employed the old architectural styles in their designs. In consequence, all those features that were part of the country's unique architectural character need to be analysed and documented. Surviving traditional buildings give us a glimpse of the life of the people Abu Dhabi before the discovery and exploitation of oil and gas sparked off the modernisation process.
The Sheikh Mohamed Bin Khalifa House is an important example of local architecture and building materials in the immediate pre-oil era. Furthermore, part of its significance is based on important associations with historical events and personages of the twentieth century.
The global objective of this assignment is to provide conservation supervision services, to support the rehabilitation of the Sheikh Mohamed Bin Khalifa House in Al Ain.
Framework Contract “Culture and Information”