Culture, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Architecture, Governance, Education and Training, Cultural development, Economic and social development, Communication, Monitoring and evaluation, Urban Plannning, Infrastructure Engineering
credits: DaiWebStudio

Cross-sectoral cooperation and innovation within Creative and Cultural Industries - practices, opportunities and policies within the area of the Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture

Intangible heritage & Cultural Industry

Area: Eastern Europe and Russia
Country: Russia
Period: 2020-2021
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Framework contract: FRAMEWORK CONTRACT SIEA LOT 4: Human Development and Safety Net
Amount: € 170 580

The focus area of the Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (NDPC) covers 11 countries: Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Germany. Since 2010, the Northern Dimension partnership on Culture has served as a regional focal point regarding information on policy developments in culture and creative industries (CCI) in the ND countries, regional collaboration and access to financing for CCIs, as well as facilitated networking activities. NDPC implemented international cooperation projects in cultural tourism, urban, cultural planning sectors, enhanced networking, supported cooperation platforms, as well as promoting financial instruments.

Global objective of the mapping study is to facilitate efforts of NDPC to contribute to the improvement of operating conditions and strengthen sustainable cross-innovative cooperation in the CCI field throughout the ND region.

The mapping study aims at increasing the visibility of the NDPC in the Partner Countries, both among the policy makers and civil society. It also aims at contributing to the implementation of the NDPC Strategy 2021-2024 and beyond. The specific objectives are:

  1. To identify cross-innovative cooperation cases, which could define cooperation models and multiplication potential for NDPC countries.
  2. To examine how creative tools can be used in policy-making and in solving societal challenges related to urban planning, health, environment, economy, transport and logistics.
  3. To identify the main challenges, best practices and results achieved in the CCI policy development within the NDPC region and in intersection with other thematic ND partnerships: environment, public health and social well-being, as well as transport and logistics.
  4. To identify CCI value chains, i.e. the full range of activities – including design, production, marketing and distribution – that businesses conduct to bring a product or service from conception to delivery.
  5. To identify further NDPC cross-sectoral and innovation cooperation opportunities within the CCI and formulate recommendations for future policies in the CCI-related fields.


Framework Contract “Culture and Information”

Framework Contract “Human Rights, Democratisation, Institutional Strengthening

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North Macedonia
EC – EuropeAid

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Dominican Republic
EC-Delegation Santo Domingo

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Dominican Republic

Evaluation of Micro Project Proposals Asia

Technical assistance to review existing capabilities and assist in the specification of a national visa management system
North Macedonia

Project design (ToR) for Civil Society unit project
North Macedonia
European Agency for Reconstruction

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