Technical Assistance for Support to the Preparation and Implementation of the Turkey Civil Society Sub-Sector Programming 2016-17
Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Mediterranean and Middle East
2016 - 2017
EC - EuropeAid
Framework contract:
Framework Contract: Framework BENEF 2013 - LOT7
€ 258.139
The global objective of the project is to ensure that the Ministry for EU Affairs is supported in the preparation and promotion of the implementation of the sub-sector programme for Civil Society.
Specific objectives:
- To strengthen the capacities within the MEU for programming and preparing for the implementation of interventions to support civil society and beneficiary institutions in Turkey under Civil Society sub-sector.
- To support the MEU and other proposed Beneficiary Institutions (Prime Ministry Directorate General of Foundations, Department of Associations of the Ministry of Interior) in the preparation of technical documents for the implementation of activities.
- To enhance the participation of CSOs in the process of programming and design of interventions under the sub-sector.
- To establish a framework for raising awareness among CSOs and other key stakeholders to the range of support available under the Civil Society sub-sector programme.