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credits: DaiWebStudio

Sri Lanka and the Maldives Gender Analysis and GAPII planning

Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development

Area: Asia and the Pacific
Country: Sri Lanka and the Maldives
Period: 2016
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Framework contract: Framework Contract: Framework BENEF 2013 - LOT7
Amount: € 73.987

The gender analysis provided quantitative and qualitative information, sex-age disaggregated data and analysis on the gender situation in the countries in order for the EU Delegation and EU Member States to contribute to the policy dialogue and facilitate the formulation of gender-sensitive strategies and programmes. The analysis identified the objectives to be pursued by the EU Delegation and the EU Member States in Sri Lanka and the Maldives, in each thematic priority of the GAP-II for the period 2016-2020, how these objectives should be addressed through existing work, and what data is available to track progress.

Specifically the analysis provided:

  • a current set of data and statistics on the situation of women and girls, men and boys to provide a baseline for measurement in key areas of interest
  • an in-depth view of the commitments, performance and capacities of the Governments of Sri Lanka and The Maldives on GEWE (Gender Equality and Women Empowerment) issues;
  • a mapping of key policy initiatives and analysis of policy gaps;
  • a mapping of key actors for GEWE – international and civil society actors, private sector, donor agencies, government Ministries, financial institutions etc);
  • A mapping of the knowledge and information gaps;
  • An assessment of the key barriers to achieving gender equality (including social norms and relationships, legislative capacity, political will) with a specific focus on those areas of interest to the EU delegation and the EU Member States present in Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

These analyses lead to:

  • An assessment of where the EU Delegation and EU Member States can add value in supporting Sri Lanka to achieve their objectives on gender equality;
  • The identification of realistic objectives and opportunities for policy and political dialogue on GEWE;
  • Articulate clear and tangible suggestions for how the EU Delegation and its Member States can include GEWE within their sectoral and thematic interventions.


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