Culture, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Architecture, Governance, Education and Training, Cultural development, Economic and social development, Communication, Monitoring and evaluation, Urban Plannning, Infrastructure Engineering
credits: DaiWebStudio

Identification and formulation mission of EU intervention in securing cross-border social, economic and commercial activities in the Great Lakes Region

Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development

Area: Subsaharan Africa
Country: The Great Lakes Regions
Period: 2015 - 2016
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Framework contract: Framework Beneficiaires 2013 - LOT 7: Human Rights, Civil Society, Governance, Justice And Home Affairs
Amount: € 182.688

Great Lakes region (with particularly reference to Rwanda, RDC and Burundi) experienced the impact of the local conflict and political instability which has influenced the economic development of the region. Moreover the presence of porous border generated a socio geographical dimension characterized by tension and suspicions among the different Countries. The European Union has been an active supporter of various regional cooperation initiatives and institutions: under the 11th EDF Regional Indicative Programme (RIP), cross-regional envelope, European Union identified Peace and Security in the Great Lakes region as a priority area assisting regional organizations to improve their capacity building to be a catalyst for an integrated development. € 20 million has been allocated for the specific objective “secure cross-border social, economic and commercial activities”. The global objective of the assignment is to identify the way in which the EU will assist regional organizations of the Great Lakes region, countries of the region when acting together, and civil society actors in establishing a single programme of measures in the field of integrated and inclusive cross-border management and co-operation, involving local communities and security aspects.The main focus of the actions to be financed is on the DRC, Rwanda and Burundi. Complementarity and coherence of actions are ensured with other parts of the Eastern Africa, Southern Africa, Indian Ocean and Central African RIP, National Indicative Programmes of Central, Eastern and Southern African countries, the Pan-African Programme, African Peace Facility, Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace, and the African Peace and Security Architecture.


Framework Contract “Culture and Information”

Framework Contract “Human Rights, Democratisation, Institutional Strengthening

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North Macedonia
EC – EuropeAid

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EC-Delegation Santo Domingo

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Technical assistance to review existing capabilities and assist in the specification of a national visa management system
North Macedonia

Project design (ToR) for Civil Society unit project
North Macedonia
European Agency for Reconstruction

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