Culture, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Architecture, Governance, Education and Training, Cultural development, Economic and social development, Communication, Monitoring and evaluation, Urban Plannning, Infrastructure Engineering
credits: DaiWebStudio

Strengthening the Capacity building of Lao Civil Society Organisations in writing proposals, managing and reporting EU grant procedures

Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development

Area: Asia and the Pacific
Country: Laos
Period: 2015 - 2016
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Framework contract: Framework Contract Beneficiaires 2013, “LOT 7: Human Rights, Civil Society, Governance, Justice And Home Affairs
Amount: € 97.336

The overall objective of this assignment is to strengthen local CSOs capacity to be more effective actors in contributing to implementation of the National Social Economic Development Plan of the Lao PDR. Specific objectives: increase Lao Civil Society Organisations' and Local Authorities' capacity in proposal writing, project management and management of grant contracts under EU procedures. The assignment aims to the support to potential applicants and grant beneficiaries to the EIDHR and CSO-LA calls for proposals. The assignment is structured in four different levels: A. Level 1: Potential applicants:  Explaining the EU call for proposals procedure and explaining the contractual requirement to implement a grant contract.  Training Lao Civil Society Organisations' and Local Authorities' who are interested in applying to EU Calls for Proposals in the preparation of concept notes.  Provide guidance on how to understand the guidelines and complete the Concept Note form.  Organisation of the logistic of info sessions taking place after the publication of the call for proposals.  Assisting the Delegation in preparing the material to be presented during the info session.  Facilitation of info session. B. Level 2: Pre-selected applicants:  Provide training to the applicants for which the concept note has been preselected in the EU Calls for Proposals.  Mentor preselected applicants in EU Calls for Proposals through group on the technique of development of Full Applications and completion of the annexes according to the requirements set of the Guidelines for the EU Calls for Proposals.  Organise a wrap up workshop at the end of each Call for Proposals. C. Level 3: grant beneficiaries  Provide technical support to grant beneficiaries of the EU and their co-applicants on management of their grant contracts.  Provide consultation, to find an appropriate solution to unforeseen circumstances i.e. modifications of the action and/or budget and other relevant project management matters (preparation of Terms Of References for MTR, final evaluation). D. Level 4: Civil society networking and peer support  Participate in selected activities of the Lao CSO and/or the International Non-Governmental Organization network, where relevant to capacity development of Non Profit Associations.  Contribute to CSO mapping and other studies supported in other frameworks within the context of European Joint Programming.  Organisation of seminars, workshops and meetings to support the networking of the Lao CSOs and their dialogue with the EU, Government and other stakeholders.


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