Support to preparation of Twinning project fiche (National Anti-corruption Centre) and preparation of ancillary supply contract
Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Eastern Europe and Russia
2014 - 2016
EC - EuropeAid
Framework contract:
Framework Contract Beneficiaires 2013, “LOT 7: Human Rights, Civil Society, Governance, Justice And Home Affairs
€ 64.661
The global objective of this assignment is to contribute to the strengthening of the National Anticorruption Centre of the Republic of Moldova.
The specific objectives are to draft a Twinning Fiche for strengthening the operative capacities in repressing corruption in the Republic of Moldova and to draft Technical Specifications for a supply project accompanying this twinning project.
The requested services of this assignment consist of two separate but complementary components:
1. Support to preparation of the twinning project
- To draft a clear and detailed Twinning fiche including a detailed estimative budget and timetable as working tools for the different activities as well as logical framework matrix.
- To calculate as precisely as possible the cost of the actions to be undertaken within the Twinning project.
- In order to avoid any duplication of support, to pay attention to taking into account all recent, current or future projects supporting the beneficiary institution (National Anticorruption Centre), financed from various sources, as well as the development plan and projects initiated by this entity with own budgets.
- To draft a report on the situation of National Anticorruption Centre, including an assessment of the absorption capacity of technical assistance by the institution, as well as possible issues and shortages.
2. Support to preparation of the supply project accompanying the twinning project.
- To draft the Technical Specifications for the supply contract accompanying the twinning project.
- To facilitate the participation of companies in the tender by answering their questions and providing clarifications.
- To assist in the evaluation of relevant offers and to ensure the procurement of adequate equipment.
- To ensure the supervision of the supply contract, the verification of the delivery, installation and proper functioning of the equipment.
- To assist the Contracting Authority during the procedures of provisional/final acceptance.