The purpose of this contract was a final evaluation of the TEIN2 project, which finished its implementation in December 2008 and a mid-term evaluation of the follow-up project TEIN3 in order to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the projects and to make recommendations for the future of TEIN, including possible funding from the EC. Trans Eurasia Information Network (TEIN) is a high capacity internet network that connect 13 countries in Asia and Pacific. The publicly funded network is provided for the sole use of education and research institutions in the connected countries and excludes commercial internet. TEIN aims to increase the interconnection of the EU-Asian research and education communities, create an environment for joint international research projects and support joint EU-Asia innovative applications. In this way it aims to contribute to the regional cooperation and development of the Asian region as well as to decrease the digital divide in Asian countries. The evaluation was focused on the following specific objectives: 1) To assess the relevance of the objectives of the TEIN2 and TEIN3 projects mainly in connection to the needs of Asian region, the relevance of the research and education networks for the development objectives, the goal of supporting regional integration, the objectives of other EC policies; 2) To assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the TEIN2 project mainly to what extend the objectives of the project were achieved and the results of the project delivered, assess the extent to which the costs of the project have been justified by the benefits, assess the efficiency of the TEIN networking comparison to commercially ones; 3) To assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the TEIN3 project at the current state of implementation and the extent to which the objectives of the project are being achieved; 4) To assess the impact of the TEIN2, and the potential impact of TEIN3, on the overall objective of the program; 5) To assess the sustainability of the TEIN network, reflecting whether it is likely to continue after the EC funding ends; 6) To reflect on possible future support to TEIN4 and propose recommendations for the TEIN4 phase.
Framework Contract “Culture and Information”