Culture, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Architecture, Governance, Education and Training, Cultural development, Economic and social development, Communication, Monitoring and evaluation, Urban Plannning, Infrastructure Engineering
credits: DaiWebStudio

Technical Assistance for a study on the refurbishment of the ACP Building


Area: Europe
Country: Belgium
Period: 2013
Client: EC-EuropeAid
Amount: € 44.970

The objective of the project is to improve the housing conditions of the permanent seat of the ACP Group of States in Brussels to improve the capacity of its executive organ, the ACP Secretariat, to fulfill the mandate as the main interlocutor for the implementation of the ACP­ EC Partnership Agreement. The specific objective of this assignment is to provide a detailed analysis of the works required for an adequate refurbishment of the ACP Building, bringing it up to current regulatory standards in combination with suggesting solutions optimization/densification of existing office and conferences spaces. The technical assistance studied the entire range of works necessary to be undertaken for the customization of the building according to regulatory construction standards divided in three major categories of works: 1. Refurbishment: to provide a detailed inventory of works, including: - Budget estimates (and possible contingencies). - Legal constraints according to the Belgian law (construction permit, “very mixed£ zone, etc.) in due consideration of the special rules that might apply in view of the status of the ACP Secretariat as an international organization. - Rearrangement of the office space maximizing its accommodation capacity-range of proposals available to accommodate ACP staff and supporting teams. - Estimated time frame and costs for the relocation of staff and conferences during the realization of the refurbishment works. 2. Optimization/densification of the conference facility area: - Specialized study on the possibilities of optimization/densification of the Conference Facility area to increase its accommodation capacity to 425, including the respect of obligations of protocol of seating 90-100 persons of the same status/rank in the first row of one big table. - Connecting the main conference room on the 1st floor with the other two available meeting rooms on the ground floor were also explored. The experts studied the possibility to create such "virtual" interconnected conference rooms using up-to-date IT, video­ conference, audio-visual and mobile (i.e. smartphones) solutions. A range of solutions were proposed and presented via drawings and 3D. - Types of equipment, functionality, needs for maintenance/support and budget estimates were also presented. 3. According to the Belgian regulations, perform an "Asbestos inventory'' of the building for asbestos identification in materials.


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