End of Term Evaluation of the Programme for the integration of technical, vocational education and training (TVET) into the education system in Solomon Islands
Education and training
Asia and the Pacific
Solomon Islands
Framework contract:
Framework BENEF 2013 - LOT7
€ 35.956
The overall objective of this review is to provide an independent assessment regarding the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the interventions supported under the TVET Programme in the Solomon Islands; to document the lessons learned; and to formulate recommendations for possible future projects in skills training for the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development (MEHRD), the Implementing Agency, to be shared with other donors.
The purpose of the assignment is to undertake an evaluation (of relevance and quality of design; efficiency; effectiveness; impact; sustainability) of the TVET programme (which includes 12 grant contracts) to determine the extent to which it has attained the agreed objectives and results in the logical framework of the Financing Agreement.
The evaluation considered whether key cross-cutting issues such as environmental sustainability, gender equality, and good governance were reflected in the formulation and implementation. The review will also assess the synergies, coherence and complementarity between the Programme and other interventions in the TVET and wider education sector in Solomon Islands.
Furthermore, the review gave recommendations, based on the lessons learned, beyond the programme's time frame with a view to promote a sustainable TVET approach in line with the country aspirations as stated in the National Education Action Plan 2013-2015 and the National Development Strategy 2011-2020. The recommendations gave particular attention to the following points:
- Recommendations on future support to the skills development sector;
- Recommendations to any required changes/modifications in order to support effective implementation and ensure sustainability in the long term for future interventions;
- Identifying areas that need additional and more focused support and future specific Technical Assistance needs;
- Recommendations for improved management, implementation methods, monitoring and evaluation system for future interventions.