The Strengthening the Sanitary Production of Fish Products (SSPFP) project has been designed to respond to an urgent need to support the Solomon Islands Fishing Industry to remain an active and growing exporter to the European Union, a key market for its fishery products. The specific objectives of the assignment are: a. Analysis of the SSPFP performance and achievements vis-a-vis targets stated in the logical framework; b. Analysis of the impact and sustainability of programme interventions substantively and financially, as well as providing advise on aspects which should be replicated; c. Evaluation of the general impact of the programme, specifically taking into consideration the impact that the programme has had on communities, in particular on women associated with fish processing industry; d. Assessment of the contribution of government agencies towards planning and implementation; e. Drawing up critical lessons on project design, implementation and management and making recommendations on i) how to improve the implementation and management of such a project ii) the design features to be considered for any successor programme, iii) project risk management during implementation process.
Framework Contract “Culture and Information”