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Mid-Term Evaluation of "Strengthening Reconciliation Processes in Sri Lanka"

Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Evaluation and Monitoring

Area: Asia and the Pacific
Country: Sri Lanka
Period: 2020
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Framework contract: FWC SIEA - LOT 3: Human Rights, Democracy and Peace
Amount: € 121 780

The Programme “Strengthening Reconciliation Processes in Sri Lanka (SRP)” started on October 2017 and end on October 2021, with a budget of EUR 14 150 000, of which EUR 11 750 000 of EU contribution and 2 400 000 from German Foreign Office.

The action addresses the pillar of non-recurrence in the reconciliation process with reference to good governance and accountability. His overall objective is to contribute to strengthening reconciliation processes

The specific objective has been achieved through two outputs:

  • “More effective and accountable institutional arrangements within and between stakeholders of State and Civil Society support reconciliation processes.
  • “Strategic initiatives to support the non-recurrence pillar of reconciliation (intra-communal, inter-communal and north-south) are systematically facilitated”.

The above outputs areas involve seven clusters of activities under the titles of:

  1. Tracking Reconciliation. This cluster consists of developing a 'so-called' reconciliation barometer involving an island-wide public opinion survey on national reconciliation as a means of 'feeling the pulse' of a living and dynamic process, in collaboration with several researchers from universities and think tanks;
  2. Learning and Institutional Development, seeking to establish sustainable, institutionalised capacity development of stakeholders along with training and dialogue platform;
  3. Policy and Communication; which aims to increase public engagement in the reconciliation process, involving the media (including social media), government, civil society and development partners
  4. Historical Dialogue; aiming to create space to acknowledge the past and discuss history and memory, inter alia through a mobile museum exploring multiple perspectives of history and other outreach events such as memory walks and discursive spaces;
  5. Psychosocial Support; to build capacity, develop referral systems, and promote emerging/promising practice in the field.
  6. Arts and Culture; which aims to develop the capacity of organisations and build networks in this area, while supporting arts & culture initiatives on reconciliation, the production of related content, and coordinating forums such conferences and film festivals;
  7. Language; which involves developing the bilingual capacity of public service officers, improving and facilitating access to bilingual services and increasing the number of registered bilingual translators and interpreters.

The mid-term Evaluation covers entire Strengthening Reconciliation Processes in Sri Lanka action comprising of its seven clusters of activities as described above, throughout Sri Lanka including activities implemented at national and island-wide area


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