Culture, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Architecture, Governance, Education and Training, Cultural development, Economic and social development, Communication, Monitoring and evaluation, Urban Plannning, Infrastructure Engineering
credits: DaiWebStudio

Needs Assessment to improve the system and institutional mechanism for delivery of administrative services in Belarus

Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development

Area: Eastern Europe and Russia
Country: Belarus
Period: 2019-2020
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Framework contract: FWC SIEA - LOT 3: Human Rights, Democracy and Peace
Amount: € 280.498

Belarus is seeking to improve coordination and delivery mechanisms in the provision of administrative procedures for citizens and businesses. In order to take an informed decision on its approach to build up a high quality system of public service delivery in Belarus, assistance from the EU was needed.

The Global objective of this assignment is to support the EU Delegation and the Government of Belarus, namely the Ministry of Justice, in the preparation of the Needs Assessment and subsequent Action Plan to reform the provision of administrative services in Belarus. The results of this study is followed up in "EU – Belarus Rule of Law programme - Improving the National Mechanisms in the view of achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in legal sphere in Belarus", foreseen to start in 2020.

The specific objective of this assignment is to prepare a needs assessment which:

  • Advices on different models for providing administrative procedures;
  • Recommends on the options to simplify the current provision of administrative procedures and advices on the development of regulations (passports) for the provision of administrative procedures;
  • Advices on different models to informatize the provision of administrative procedures;
  • Supports the creation of various pilot centers and advices arranging their work;
  • Presents a detailed Action Plan about the next steps in reforming the provision of administrative services for citizen.

The needs assessment promotes crosscutting objectives of the EU: environment and climate change, rights based approach, persons with disability, indigenous peoples and gender equality.


Framework Contract “Culture and Information”

Framework Contract “Human Rights, Democratisation, Institutional Strengthening

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