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credits: DaiWebStudio

Support to the implementation of the “European Union strategy for a strengthened partnership with civil society in Myanmar”

Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development

Area: Asia and the Pacific
Country: Myanmar
Period: 2019-2021
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Framework contract: FWC SIEA - LOT 3: Human Rights, Democracy and Peace
Amount: € 531 105

The “European Union strategy for a strengthened partnership with civil society in Myanmar” aims at guiding the EU and CSOs to strengthen their strategic engagement, cooperation and communication. The overall objective of the present strategy is to strengthen the partnership between the EU and Myanmar CSOs to promote an enabling environment for civil society’s participation in policy dialogue, policy-making and policy implementation processes. The specific objectives are:

  • To establish a structured dialogue between the EU and CSOs to enhance strategic partnership and cooperation.
  • To strengthen information-sharing, communication and learning between the EU and CSOs.

Expected Results

  1. Result 1: Improved EU-CSO dialogue and cooperation in key areas of common Interest
  2. Result 2: Enhanced enabling environment for civil society organisations to contribute to the policy making process; and to human, social and civil rights, democratic and development outcomes
  3. Result 3: Strengthened mutual understanding about the EU and civil society roles
  4. Result 4: Improved communication of the EU’s engagement with civil society at the financial and policy levels.

The global objective of the assignment is to contribute to strengthening the European Union engagement with civil society in Myanmar through the support of the implementation of the new EU strategy for a strengthened partnership with CSO in Myanmar in partnership with civil society. Specific objectives of this assignment:

  • To strengthen civil society capacity to advocate and influence public policies through supporting the EUD to organise Structured Dialogues with CSOs at regional/state and national level
  • To strengthen information-sharing, communication and learning between the EU and CSOs.
  • To enhance mutual understanding and communication between the EUD and civil society organisations in terms of policy and operational support.

Both the achievement of general and specific objectives should promote inclusiveness and sustainable development through a right-based approach.


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