The Association of Palestinian Local Authorities (APLA), founded in 1997 is an independent organisation mandated to represent and lobby for the collective interests of Local Authorities (LAs). APLA supports capacity building among local governments, facilitates exchange of knowledge and best practices, and serves as vehicle for dialogue between the central government and Local Governance Units, particularly in those most vulnerable areas in West Bank, mainly in Area C. APLA capacities need to be reinforced so to have a more influential voice for LAs, promote their interests and represent their needs. The EU intends - in the framework of the Annual Action Programme 2020 (AAP 2020) for Palestine, to support APLA to represent and lobby for the collective interest of the LAs with particular attention to Las in Area C, and serve as vehicle for dialogue between the central government and the LAs. This support will focus on the participatory implementation of the APLA's Strategic Plan 2019-2022 and is seen as an opportunity towards strengthening APLA's institutional and operational capacities, in particular regarding its role (1) in the economic components of local development processes removing the barriers that prevent the full participation of women in community and economic development and public life in the Local Authorities, and (2) in the territorial development process aiming at reintegrating West Bank Area C following, among others, the pilot Area Resilience Development Initiative ARD Initiative co-funded by the EU and the Belgian Cooperation. The EU contribution is estimate in EUR 1,900,000. |
The global objective of the present assignment is to strengthen the capacities of LAs in providing services, promoting local participatory development and contributing to territorial integration, mainly in Area C. The specific objective is to prepare a multi-annual work plan 2021-2025 for the implementation of the APLA Strategic Plan 2019-2022. This plan should serve as the basis of the coming EU financial support to APLA.
Framework Contract “Culture and Information”