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EU Support to Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Azerbaijan

Governance, Justice & Human rights, Social & Economic Development
Education and training

Area: Central Asia and Caucasus
Country: Azerbaijan
Period: 2017-2020
Client: EC - EuropeAid
Amount: € 2 853 438

Education is one of three focal sectors of EU intervention in Azerbaijan.

This project is funded from the “Education Support Programme in Azerbaijan”, which has a total budget of 19 million Euro, and which mainly contributes to the modernisation of the education (particularly higher education) and training system in Azerbaijan, enhancing quality, equality, relevance and access in line with European standards and practices.

The programme has three main objectives:

  • To enhance the quality and relevance of the education system with a focus on higher education and VET;
  • To increase the attractiveness and labour market relevance of all levels of VET;
  • To strengthen civic participation, governance and inclusiveness of the education system.

The project falls under the second objective. The overall objective is therefore to enhance the attractiveness and labour market relevance of all levels of vocational education and training (VET).

This project is supporting the on-going reforms within the VET sector in Azerbaijan through the provision of technical assistance. It aims at improving the access to and quality of VET, contributing to better opportunities for life-long learning (LLL) and assisting the Ministry of Education in improving the VET policy and regulatory framework, promoting lifelong learning opportunities and activating the participation of employers and social partners.

Assistance was provided in developing and introducing VET qualifications and curricula linked to occupational standards in priority sectors and supporting the Ministry of Education in the monitoring of VET reform projects, and more specifically those funded by the EU under a separate call for proposals, as well as with the establishment of a regular monitoring system of the whole VET sector. The project is organised along 4 components:

  1. Purpose 1: VET policy and regulatory framework
  2. Purpose 2: VET multi-level management system and governance
  3. Purpose 3: VET qualifications (educational standards) and curricula
  4. Purpose 4: To support the Ministry of Education in the monitoring of VET reforms


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