Culture, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Architecture, Governance, Education and Training, Cultural development, Economic and social development, Communication, Monitoring and evaluation, Urban Plannning, Infrastructure Engineering
credits: DaiWebStudio

Supervision Services for the Rehabilitation and Construction of Schools under Improving Secondary Education in Malawi (ISEM) Programme

Education and training
Infrastructure engineering

Area: Subsaharan Africa
Country: Malawi
Period: 2016-2020
Client: National Authorising Officer - Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development
Amount: € 2 252 162

The overall objective of the programme of which this project is a part, is to contribute to the strengthening of Malawi's education sector and its capacity to satisfy the economy's need for educated youth through expansion and improvement of equitable access to inclusive quality education.

Education has been identified as a new focal sector in the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) for Malawi, with Secondary Education as one of the focus areas. To this effect, Improving Secondary Education in Malawi (ISEM) programme has been developed to deliver this support.

Broadly, the ISEM programme aims to increase access to secondary education by improving the infrastructure of selected Community Day Secondary Schools (CDSSs), including constructing hostels for girls and structures for students with special needs. The programme will also support the improvement of quality secondary education by training teachers to achieve at least minimum qualifications, equipping schools with adequate teaching and learning materials, strengthening opportunities for technical training through refurbished and equipped workshops, and technical teacher training. Finally, ISEM also aims to strengthen the governance of secondary education by facilitating the decentralization process.

As part of the ISEM Programme, the purpose of this project is to assist the Contracting Authority and the Programme Supervisor in the supervision of rehabilitation and upgrading of 21 CDSSs and 1 Cultural Museum located throughout all three main regions of the country. The 21 CDSSs are located in several districts throughout the country whereas the Karonga Cultural Museum is located in the northern part of the country. The sites have been divided into five Lots. The Lots are divided by areas, 1 lot in the Northern area, 2 lots in the Central, and 2 lots in the Southern area. They are spread in all over the country, often very far from the town of reference, Lilongwe and Blantyre.

The scope of works to be supervised on this project includes rehabilitation and construction of school infrastructure including classroom and administration blocks, ablution blocks, girls’ hostels, Laboratories, Libraries, Teachers houses, Hall and all other related facilities including external works. 


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