Culture, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Architecture, Governance, Education and Training, Cultural development, Economic and social development, Communication, Monitoring and evaluation, Urban Plannning, Infrastructure Engineering
credits: DaiWebStudio

Consultancy Service for Design and Supervision of Reconstruction of Public Infrastructures in Cabo Delgado province

Infrastructure engineering

Area: Subsaharan Africa
Country: Mozambique
Period: 2022 - 2023
Client: Gabinete de Reconstrução dos Pós Ciclones
Amount: 548.325 USD

In March and April of 2019, tropical cyclones Idai and Kenneth hit the coast of Mozambique and caused major damages and losses to the housing and public infrastructures sector. In the areas affected by cyclones Idai and Kenneth, public sector buildings were damaged, affecting, amongst others, the provision of health and education services. Likewise, many municipal markets were also impaired, affecting the economic activity, especially for small enterprises. A reconstruction program was approved to mitigate the negative impacts of the cyclones, coordinated by the Post Cyclone Idai Reconstruction Office (GREPOC). In September 2019, the Government of Mozambique received from the World Bank a funding of USD130 million through the Post Cyclones Idai and Kenneth Emergency Recovery and Resilient Project; GREPOC decided to use part of the money to rehabilitate and improve the resilience of 20 public buildings and essential marketplaces damaged by cyclone Kenneth in Ibo, Metuge and Pemba districts in Cabo Delgado Province.

Therefore, the general objectives of this assignment are to evaluate the damages caused by Cyclone Kenneth on preselected public buildings at Ibo, Metuge and Pemba districts in Cabo Delgado Province, prepare the tender documents (detailed designs with resilient solutions, bill of quantity, costs and technical specifications) and supervise the rehabilitation works of public buildings to be selected based on the consultant's assessment. The assignment aims at carrying out a structural assessment of the damages on public buildings and marketplaces, and proposing technical solutions as well as a cost estimate for its resilient rehabilitation following the Build Back Better principles.


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