➡️ Between December 2023 and May 2024, we embarked on a transformative journey in San Salvador, El Salvador, conducting the final evaluation of the joint program "Strengthening Peace and Human Rights: through Transitional Justice, Combating Corruption, and Promoting Transparency", financed by UNDP. This initiative has been a beacon of hope and progress in addressing the shadows of the past and building a brighter, transparent future.
🎯Our primary goal was to explore how effectively the project has promoted the pillars of transitional justice. By addressing historical impunity and bolstering transparency, we aimed to strike a blow against current-day corruption and injustice.
💪 The evaluation was an enlightening process, unearthing valuable lessons and innovative practices that will shape the future of peace consolidation programs. We assessed the project's foundational theory and scrutinized its strategies and performance. This deep dive allowed us to pinpoint the unique contributions of the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) to national peace efforts and highlight the novel elements that set this program apart.
🟢Our team of consultants conducted over 100 interviews across a spectrum of state institutions, social organizations, and with the very victims the project aimed to support. Visits to memory museums and reviews of historical archives provided rich context and depth to our findings. This rigorous process not only assessed the project's direct impact but also revealed its broader, catalytic effects on the community and beyond.
👉The insights gained will serve as a compass for the implementing agencies—UNDP, OHCHR, and UNODC—as well as the Office of the Resident Coordinator and the Peacebuilding Fund. These findings will inform and inspire future initiatives, ensuring they are rooted in the lessons learned and driven by the best practices identified during this evaluation.
💯This journey has reinforced our commitment to fostering a fair, transparent, and peaceful society in El Salvador. We are excited to see how these findings will catalyze further progress and create lasting positive changes.
💥 Join us in celebrating this milestone and stay tuned for more updates on our ongoing efforts to build a peaceful future for all humankind.
#Peacebuilding #HumanRights #TransitionalJustice #AntiCorruption #Transparency #ElSalvador #UNDP #OHCHR #UNODC #PeacebuildingFund #CommunityEngagement #TransformativeChange