Culture, Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Architecture, Governance, Education and Training, Cultural development, Economic and social development, Communication, Monitoring and evaluation, Urban Plannning, Infrastructure Engineering
credits: DaiWebStudio

Monitoring and Evaluation
Water and Sanitation
Infrastructural Engineering
Education and TVET
Physical Planning and Urban Upgrading
Cultural Heritage
Cultural Industries
Economic & Social Development
Tourism Development


In several areas of Africa, when entering the territory of another tribe, one is required to bear a special "passport mask". This has a profound meaning: to neutralise one's roots and individuality as a sign of respect to those whose territory is being entered. In this there is an ancient wisdom, the sublimation of humanity's neutral essence. Quoting Aeschylus Agamemnon "Provided they respect the temples and the Gods of the vanquished, then shall the victors be saved".

ARS Progetti is a consulting firm working all over the world providing services, such as surveys, studies, design and technical assistance, mainly to public committers and for public interests, in fields related with governance and human development, culture and cultural heritage, social and physical infrastructure. Its overall mission is of a professional nature and consists in finding out, proposing and helping to implement solutions "which work", with reference to complex problems affecting extended social groups, regions, countries, groups of countries. Working on this ARS Progetti pursues the interest of its direct and "indirect" clients and project beneficiaries.





🏆 Award of a new contract in Mali!

🌟 ARS Porgetti has been awarded, in consortium with EURECNA, of the EU funded project: Evaluation finale du programme d'appui à l'enseignement fondamental au Mali (PROF)


🎯 The main goal of the project is to contribute to capacity building and networking among education actors and formation trainers in Morocco by exchanges of practices with their counterparts in other countries.


💥 As part of Mali-European Union Cooperation 2014-2020, support for the education sector was included in the 11th European Development Fund (EDF) National Indicative Programme (NIP), to the tune of 100 million euros. The aim of this support was to help improve learning for all young for all young Malians, and to boost the efficiency of the education system.


🎯 The specific objectives (SO) of PROF were threefold:

🟢 Improving the quality of basic education;

🟢 Strengthening decentralized management of the basic education system;

🟢 Improving access for out-of-school children.


The main objectives of this assessment are to provide the European Union departments concerned stakeholders and the general public:

➡️ a comprehensive independent analysis of PROF's performance, with particular

with particular attention to its different levels of performance in comparison with its intended objectives, and the reasons for these results;

➡️ the main lessons learned, conclusions and recommendations to be drawn in order to current and future interventions.


👉 In particular, this evaluation will be used:

🟠 to provide food for thought on how to support the education sector sector,

🟠 draw lessons on the content of support and the involvement of stakeholders and

🟠 report on the use of EU resources in relation to the results obtained.


🌟 Excited to be back in Mali!


#Education #Mali #Africa #Development #EU #Europe #Commission

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