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Invitation to present the study "Challenges and opportunities of LRAs’ involvement in the reconstruction of Ukraine" at the 14th CIVEX commission meeting

28/09/2022 - 14th CIVEX commission meeting

CoR, JDE 52 | External border protection; Citizenship; Future of Europe

📯  The Commission for Citizenship, Governance, Institutional and External Affairs (CIVEX) is responsible for coordinating the Committee of the Regions' work on constitutional and institutional issues, including the future of Europe, local democracy and devolution, active subsidiarity and better law-making; the area of freedom, security and justice, including issues such as migration and integration, fundamental rights and freedoms and active citizenship; and the EU's external dimension, focusing on enlargement and neighbourhood countries and on development cooperation from a local and regional angle.

📅  On September 28th, 2022 ARS Progetti has been invited to join the 14th CIVEX commission meeting in Brussels, in order to present the "Challenges and opportunities of LRAs' involvement in the reconstruction of Ukraine" Study, counducted by our team of experts 📚

📽️  You will be able to see the debate and our intervention from minute 14.33 of the video at the following link:


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